The CLI is designed for a variety of applications, ranging from local secret management to CI/CD and production scenarios.
The distinguishing factor, however, is the authentication method used.
To use the Infisical CLI in your local development environment, simply run the command below and follow the interactive guide.
infisical login
If you are in a containerized environment such as WSL 2 or Codespaces, run infisical login -i to avoid browser based login
Initialize Infisical for your project
# navigate to your projectcd /path/to/project# initialize infisicalinfisical init
This will create .infisical.json file at the location the command was executed. This file contains your local project settings. It does not contain any sensitive data.
infisical run --env=dev --path=/apps/firefly -- [your application start command]# example with node (nodemon)infisical run --env=staging --path=/apps/spotify -- nodemon index.js# example with flaskinfisical run --env=prod --path=/apps/backend -- flask run# example with spring boot - maveninfisical run --env=dev --path=/apps/ -- ./mvnw spring-boot:run --quiet
The CLI is set to connect to Infisical Cloud by default, but if you’re running your own instance of Infisical, you can direct the CLI to it using one of the methods provided below.
Method 1: Use the updated CLI
Beginning with CLI version V0.4.0, it is now possible to choose between logging in through the Infisical cloud or your own self-hosted instance. Simply execute the infisical login command and follow the on-screen instructions.
Method 2: Export environment variable
You can point the CLI to the self hosted Infisical instance by exporting the environment variable INFISICAL_API_URL in your terminal.
# Set backend host exportINFISICAL_API_URL=""# Remove backend host unset INFISICAL_API_URL
Method 3: Set manually on every command
Another option to point the CLI to your self hosted Infisical instance is to set it via a flag on every command you run.
Your terminal keeps a history with the commands you run. When you create Infisical secrets directly from your terminal, they’ll stay there for a while.
For security and privacy concerns, we recommend you to configure your terminal to ignore those specific Infisical commands.
$HOME/.profile is pretty common but, you could place it under $HOME/.profile.d/ or any profile file run at login
cat<<EOF >>$HOME/.profile &&source$HOME/.profile# Ignoring specific Infisical CLI commandsDEFAULT_HISTIGNORE=$HISTIGNOREexportHISTIGNORE="*infisical secrets set*:$DEFAULT_HISTIGNORE"EOF